Kpackage missing from Kdeadmin - Why, and howto rectify

Michael Kearey mutk at
Fri Jan 16 17:39:16 UTC 2004

Jeffrey Stephens wrote:
> On Thursday 15 January 2004 20:22, Michael Kearey wrote:
>> That sounds like a really long way around. Consider that the
>> principle of rpms right from the very beginning is to use
>> pristine sources, it is reasonable to expect that the src.rpm for
>> kdeadmin contains all the sources you need for kpackage.
> The easiest way to correct Redhat's omission is simply to uninstall
> their Kdeadmin RPM and build Kdeadmin from source (not the source
> RPM as it will simply rebuilt the original i386 RPM which, of
> course, does NOT contain Kpackage).

The  kdeadmin-3.1.4-1.src.rpm DOES contain kpackage. However, the spec 
file in kdeadmin-3.1.4-1.src.rpm excludes kpackage from the build. - 
In other words,  kpackage has NOT been removed from original source, 
it just is not built when the binary rpm is made from src.rpm.

I read the spec file for kdeadmin, changelog section:

* Fri May 10 2002 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer <bero at> 3.0.1-1
- 3.0.1
- Fix build with current automake
- Don't build kpackage until the rpm 4.1 API is finalized

There has been no mention of kpackage since the above quote in the
changelog. Perhaps it's been forgotten about ? I also notice that rpm
on Fedora is at  rpm-4.2.1-0.30 right now, so maybe it's time for
kpackage to be returned - if the fact that the rpm API was in a state 
of flux is the only reason kpackage has been excluded.

BTW, I have managed to hack the spec file so that kpackage does get
built, from the kdeadmin-3.1.4-1.src.rpm file. (ie no need to download 
source from kde ...).

Visit to see a 
screen shot of my kpackage running.

NOTE the rpm's below are untested. The only thing added to the 
standard Fedora kdeadmin package is kpackage, so everything BUT 
kpackage is identical to the usual kdeadmin for Fedora..

People may get the src:

The rpm:

Please do not install the rpms above unless you know exactly what you 
are doing. Also note I am not a KDE developer, nor an rpm packager, 
and I make no gaurentees on the function or safety of the files. In 
particular, /usr/share/config/kpackagerc will definately need tweaking.


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