Simple, but daunting query -> Post Installation

Bevan C. Bennett bevan at
Wed Jan 21 21:36:36 UTC 2004

David Jackson wrote:

> I'm wondering why did you switch, and why did you decide to use a work in
> progress rather than a "productoin" reliease like RH9?

Fedora 1 Core -is- a "production" release like RH9.
Aside from the change in name and official management, FC1 is 
effectively RH10. FC *2* is currently a 'work in progress'.

> The basic answer to  you problem is rpm -i file.rpm.
> Or from gnome/kke menu try add/delete programs/applications.

Indeed. If you have an rpm downloaded that you want to install, you can 
use RPM directly. Fedora also includes some utilities to ty to make 
package management a little easier.

To add/remove packages from your CDs, you could run 
redhat-config-packages, a GUI like the one in the installation.

Most people are now using either yum or up2date now. I like yum 
personally. The default configuration will have the official package and 
  stable updates configured, but you should edit /etc/yum.conf and 
replace the entries with your choice of servers from

After that the following will be useful:
yum list installed - show current packages
yum list updates - show available updates
yum install <package> - install <package> (and any dependencies)
yum remove <package> - remove <package> (and any dependents)
It's very good about prompting you before going through with an actual 

Note that the first time you run yum it will need to download package 
headers from your configured repositories. This can take a little time, 
but each header only needs to be downloaded once.

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