apt-get, yum or up2date

Panu Matilainen pmatilai at welho.com
Fri Jan 23 15:49:58 UTC 2004

On Fri, 23 Jan 2004, Jan Houtsma wrote:

> In RH9 you only had up2date (as far as i know). Now i see people
> saying: "don't use up2date anymore, but apt-get" Why? Has one
> of these three tools big advantages above the other or is it only
> what one is already used to and then advice others also to do 
> the same?

Whatever works for you... All the three do more or less the same thing,
namely intellegently resolve dependencies for you. Each of those have some
distinct features which others don't have, what works best for you depends 
on your usage pattern mostly.

up2date supports both apt and yum repositories natively (which is one of
it's unique features) so you kinda get best of all worlds by using that,
but then again yum and apt both do things up2date doesn't... If you're
curious, try 'em all out and see for yourself what you like most.

	- Panu -

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