Mozilla and Flash

Sean Kennedy skennedy at
Sat Jan 24 00:16:23 UTC 2004

Hash: SHA1

Hi folks, figured it out.

Appearently, compat-libstdc++ wasn't installed correctly.  I did
install it, a quick yum install showed that much, but I guess it
didn't install correctly.  So I uninstalled it, then reinstalled it,
and what do you know...:)

Thank you for the help folks.

On a related note:  Would it be wise to include this library with the
basic workstation and desktop installation?  Simply because so many
people use flash, wouldn't it make everyone's like easier?

Sean Kennedy wrote:

| Ok, I know this is a common topic on the list, but I still haven't
| gotten it working.
| I have tried with both Moz 1.4.1 and Moz 1.6.
| Using the flash installer, I first tried ( as root ) to feed it the
|  /usr/lib/mozilla directory.  No luck.
| So then, I fed it the /usr/lib/mozilla-version directory, and it
| worked.  Or so I thought.
| Checked in the browser, no flash.  So, reading the mailing list (
| and google, I did my homework ), I found that, in some cases,
| compat-libstdc++ needs to be installed, so I did.  Still no luck.
| Thinking that, I've tried everything else, might as well try this:
| I copied the appropriate flash files to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins.
| And no, it didn't work.
| So can anybody tell me what I overlooked or did wrong?  It would be
|  greatly apprecaited.
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