Benefits of different file systems (Was: how about resiser?)

WipeOut wipe_out at
Wed Jan 28 11:15:56 UTC 2004

Colin Paul Adams wrote:

>>>>>>"W" == WipeOut  <wipe_out at> writes:
>    W> When you boot off the FC1 CD1 type "linux reiserfs".. Thsi will
>    W> allow you to install onto reiserfs filesystems..
>    W> JFS is also availible by running "linux jfs" when booting from
>    W> the install CD..
>    W> Why are you after reiserfs??
>Can anyone tell me the pros and cons of resierfs v. JFS v. ext3?
Different filesystems handel loads and filesizes and data intergrity 
differntly.. So you have a choice as to which FS is best for your 
system.. Personaly I have nver had a need for anything other than the 
standard ext3 FS since it is fast anough and provides a good level of 
data integrity, especially for server systems..

This should give you a basic intro with some easy to read graphs.. :)


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