Adding Windows 2000 into a dual-boot after the fact?

Darrin dsalinux at
Sat Jan 31 00:11:19 UTC 2004

Preston Crawford wrote:

>I have a nice, well-running, well behaved Fedora installation. I'm
>thinking of buying Windows because I need to learn ASP.NET and Mono, for
>all that it does well, has some shortcomings. Plus there's no good
>editor for ASP.NET. Anyway, that's the "why would you want to do this"
>part. As far as how I would do it, I have a second hard drive. I think I
>can just install the second hard drive with Windows and then point Grub
>at that drive as a possible boot point. Is that true? Or will Windows
>want to erase the MBR of HDA and thus this won't be possible at all
>unless I swap the places of the hard drives and reinstall GRUB onto the
>new HDA?
>Either way, I'd like to do this (assuming I even choose to do it) in a
>fashion that doesn't ruin my Linux install. 
I have heard that Windows will wipe out the boot info for Linux if you
install Windows on a box that already has Linux installed.
For that reason, I've only set up dual boot systems by having the
Windows OS installed first.

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