help: xterm -fs ## doesn't effect font size..?

Marc Schwartz MSchwartz at
Mon Jul 5 11:51:42 UTC 2004

On Mon, 2004-07-05 at 03:08, javac at wrote:
> in redhat FC1 i've tried variations on "xterm -fs 24" and can't seem
> to get a terminal with a large font in the gnome desktop. ?
> thanks,
> javac at mail dot com

Try putting something like the following in ~/.Xresources:

xterm*faceName: bitstream vera sans mono
xterm*faceSize: 9

If you don't have the Bitstream fonts installed on your system, change
the name to something else if you prefer. The key for font size is of
course the second line, which you may need to adjust to your preference.

After making the change, you can either logout of X and re-login or use
the following:

xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources

then open up xterm to review the change. With the change here, this will
become the default setting for xterm, rather than having to use
arguments on the command line each time or modify shell scripts.


Marc Schwartz

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