Whatever happened to XMMS control panel applet???

Gregory Gulik greg at gulik.org
Thu Jul 8 18:20:52 UTC 2004

That does the trick.  Now I can just click once to pause the music to 
answer the phone and click again to resume.

This is so handy it should be included in the distro...

Matt Brodeur wrote:
>    I remember having this in the past, but I haven't seen (or looked
> for) it in a while.  Recently I've used xmms-status-plugin, packaged
> by NewRPMs:
> http://newrpms.sunsite.dk/apt/redhat/en/i386/fc1/RPMS.newrpms/xmms-status-plugin-1.0-2.i386.rpm
>    It sits in the panel and can be controlled with configurable
> mouse-click actions, or a drop down menu.

Greg Gulik                                 http://www.gulik.org/greg/
greg @ gulik.org

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