ddclient is definitely not updating my dynamic IP address

Nifty Hat Mitch mitch48 at sbcglobal.net
Fri Jul 9 01:58:36 UTC 2004

On Tue, Jul 06, 2004 at 04:44:22PM -0500, Mike Chambers wrote:

> So all you have in your ddclient.conf file

I may be late to this ...

This message was July 6 and you had the trouble for days.  There was
some sort of denial of service attack on DynDNS on the 2nd which while
undercontrol now contines.

Can you update your data via the web interface?  Some tools that
update DynDNS cache that last sucessful update and refuse to poke new
data at the service without intervention.

Anyhow, Perhaps there is some interaction with the attack.

I suspect that to control the attack they are filtering ...
and perhaps your addresses are being filtered.

"As always, please see http://status.dyndns.org/ for off-site status
information during any outage of www.dyndns.org."

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