Apache 2.049 mod_rewrite

Jeff Vian jvian10 at charter.net
Fri Jul 9 14:43:58 UTC 2004

On Fri, 2004-07-09 at 06:26, P|pex wrote:
> HI all
> I have fedora core 1. I try to run apache 2.0.49 but when start the server web I
> read in the /etc/log/http/error_log the following critical errror
> [crit] (22)Invalid argument: mod_rewrite: could not create
> rewrite_log_lock 

How are you starting apache?
As root using 'service httpd start?  or as a user?  Are you starting it
directly with /usr/sbin/httpd?

Apache must be started by root in order to establish the connections it
needs and to be able to write the lock files, etc. 

It must be stopped by root for the same reason.

> I have installed the following rpm packages:
> httpd 2.0.49
> httpd manual 2.0.49
> httpd_devel 2.0.49
> mod_ssl-2.0.49-4.i386.rpm
> mod_perl-1.99_12-2.1.i386.rpm
> mod_perl-devel-1.99_12-2.1.i386.rpm
> I don't modify the conf file.
> I try to upgrade apache to 2.0.50 with succefully (httpd httpd_devel mod_ssl
> packages), but when try to start the same error occurs.

The conf file needs to tell httpd what addresses to listen to,  Although
it will run without modifying the httpd.conf file its config will not be
set for your machine/domain correctly.

> When I try to stop apache another error occurs:
> httpd dead but subsys locked 
> Could you help me?
> thanks.
> Pipex

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