Fedcora 2 X86_64 mozilla problem

Phil Dybvig fedora at ducksoup.afree.net
Sun Jul 11 03:31:03 UTC 2004

Cyrus --
>Well I'm not getting the getcwd error anymore. Now when I run firefox it 
>just returns without doing anything: 
>[cyrus at teddy cyrus]$ firefox
>[cyrus at teddy cyrus]$ firefox
>[cyrus at teddy cyrus]$ ps -A | grep firefox
>[cyrus at teddy cyrus]$
>Nothing happens. No windows, no error messages...
Hmmm, just guessing, but could you have a plugin problem?  I usually put plugins
in ~/.mozilla/plugins but there are other system plugin directories 
(/usr/lib/firefox/plugins, /usr/lib64/firefox/plugins, /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins, 
/usr/lib64/mozilla/plugins and maybe more).  Temporarily removing plugins 
(except libnullplugin.so) from those directories might solve the problem.

Other than that, I would try fishing around for more information.  Are there two 
conflicting versions?  Try 'rpm -qa' | grep firefox'.  Is the installation 
corrupt?  Try 'rpm -V firefox'.  Is there another executable?  Try and see 
whether cd '~;/usr/bin/firefox' gives a different result from 'cd ~;firefox'.

I hate to say this, but I wonder whether the rpm version we are using has most 
of the error messages turned off.  I know I get fewer errors from this version, 
but maybe that is not entirely due to improvements in the compilation.  Failing 
silently is not very useful.

I assume that your problem can fixed, since I have this same RPM running in FC2, 
x86_64 on my machine.  However, besides plugins I am not sure what else could be 
the problem.  Maybe Justin Forbes is better placed to help.  He authored the
FC2 86_64 FAQ http://www.linuxtx.org/amd64faq.html and some useful posts on this 
list and he is probably the one who created the firefox RPM we are using.

-- Phil

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