No "Advisory" info in updated packages in up2date

Greg Edwards edwardsg at
Mon Jul 12 23:03:21 UTC 2004


Quick one, my first fedora-list msg, and apologies I haven't searched
any acrhives.

I'm on Fedora Core 2, PIII 500MHz Dell, all very normal.

A couple of questions ...

1. When I launch up2date I have 2 streams available
 - fedora-core-2
 - updates-released-fc2

What's the difference there ?

2. When I select kernel or package updates from these streams, there is
no Advisory available to view. I'm used to viewing these under RH8 and
9. I'm reluctant to install these with no description of the update. Any
reason there ?

Many thanks,
Greg E.

Greg Edwards, 0417 220 774
Turramurra Community Bank, 9488 9496

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