rpm install dependency error

John Dangler jdangler at atlantic.net
Wed Jul 14 23:02:46 UTC 2004

-----Original Message-----
From: fedora-list-bounces at redhat.com [mailto:fedora-list-bounces at redhat.com]
On Behalf Of Alexander Dalloz
Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2004 6:40 PM
To: For users of Fedora Core releases
Subject: Re: rpm install dependency error

Am Do, den 15.07.2004 schrieb John Dangler um 0:33:

>To get and use GPG signing with mail you need to install the GPG package
>which comes with Fedora Core and generate a key pair yourself.
>Documentation is available on the net which explains details and on how
>to publish the public key part. Of course you have help on your hard
>disk too with man pages and program --help.

I have the man page open, and I did an rpm -qa for gpg (it doesn't show up).
I tried yum list gpg (nothing showed up here either).

while reading the man page, I had a second terminal open and had typed gpg
at the command line.  I accidentally hit return, and apparently, GPG is
installed.  It gave me a warning that says 'using insecure memory' and then 
created a home/john/.gnupg directory, and a gpg.conf file in that directory.
I got another warning that 'options in /home/john/.gnupg/gpg.conf are  not
yet active during this run' and two "keyring"(s) were created. One called
secring, and the other pubring.  Now it wants me to "go ahead and type your

Will the man page and the faq at www.gnuorg.org/faq.html tell me how to go
through the setup of this (since apparently I've initiated it)?

Thanks, Alexander - 

Alexander Dalloz | Enger, Germany | GPG key 1024D/ED695653 1999-07-13
Fedora GNU/Linux Core 2 (Tettnang) Athlon CPU kernel 2.6.6-1.435.2.3.uml
Serendipity 00:37:08 up 1 day, 22:19, load average: 1.82, 1.33, 1.20 

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