Convert CDIR notation to IP range

Lew Bloch conrad at
Thu Jul 29 04:51:23 UTC 2004

> or if this proves too tough...
> Craig

I followed that link and it in turn led right to some IP calculators that 
seemed exactly to fit the bill for the request:
> My binary skills are lacking, so does anyone know of a tool (online 
> or otherwise) to convert CDIR notation into the physical IP range? 

The first three links were to online calculators that did the exact 
conversion requested:
> convert into through (so I can 
> see what the actual range is).

I didn't see anything there that
> explained how the notation works...the binary notation, etc.,

per se, certainly not in any way obscure or difficult, or that merited a 
> Oh thank you dear Craig.  What would I ever do without you? 

I really do thank you, dear Craig.  Your links were interesting and helpful, 
it was clear that you were trying to do a service, and you did answer the 
question as asked.  Perhaps the poster didn't choose to benefit from your 
assistance, but I got a lot out of it.

IMHStatement of Simple Truth.

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