Fedora Core 2 - Great Release

Pedro Fernandes Macedo webmaster at margo.bijoux.nom.br
Tue Jun 1 03:40:39 UTC 2004

Norman Nunn wrote:

>The team that developed this release did a great job.  FC2 installs
>quickly and well, looks good, is flexible and current, and has a great
>set of stable features.  I recently switched from RH 9, and first tried
>SuSE 9.1.  That wasn't a good idea.  The switch to FC2 worked very well
>for me.  How can someone contribute, I would have paid for this in the
>past and would like to now.
>Norm Nunn 
You can contribute by helping.. You can help people in this list , you 
can help your friends who install fedora... And if you have experience 
with coding , you can try helping to improve things...
You can also help by testing the updates and the test releases... This 
way , we can ensure that the packages that reach the end user have been 
tested a lot to ensure maximum compatibility...

Pedro Macedo

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