Fedora's PHP binary pretty slow for CGI

David Garamond lists at zara.6.isreserved.com
Wed Jun 2 12:34:49 UTC 2004

Joe Orton wrote:
>>>Remove all the modules you don't need.
>>You missed my point. The point is for the PHP packages support all the 
>>extensions, but separated and need not be loaded except when user 
>>requested it via php.ini, e.g:
> Well, three of those four are already separate modules, so you can
> disable them if you like by removing the php-mysql etc package, or
> editing /etc/php.d/*.ini. 

Yes, sorry about this. As I just found out yesterday, since version 4.3, 
PHP has introduced --with-config-file-scan-dir, so even though I have 
commented all shared extensions from /etc/php.ini, all the shared 
extensions were loaded from /etc/php.d/. After I deleted/renamed the 
*.ini files in /etc/php.d/, the startup overhead was considerably lower 
(only about 0.05-0.07s).

I have now modified the php.spec to make even more extensions into 
shared ones (particularly gd, curl, bz2, and a couple others that load 
shared libraries) to further reduce the overhead time.


> It would be useful to know which of the
> remaining built-in modules are the ones which add significantly to the
> startup speed, so these could also be split out. 
> This would take some investigation with recompiling the PHP RPM, have 
> you tried this?


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