Firewall - Very limited Access - suggestions

Rodolfo J. Paiz rpaiz at
Wed Jun 2 15:30:13 UTC 2004

At 09:51 5/30/2004, Jack Bowling wrote:
>Hi, Kevin. GUI front ends to netfilter/iptables such as Firestarter,
>GuardDog, Shorewall, etc. should all be considered as learning tools. They
>will allow you to have a decent firewall in place while you roll up your
>sleeves and do your homework on how iptables works. There is *no*
>substitute for writing your own iptables rules.

I disagree. Shorewall is not a GUI to use as a learning tool... for 
starters, it is not a GUI at all. Shorewall is a *very* powerful 
configuration tool which covers damn near everything you can do with 
iptables, and its text files are orders of magnitude easier to learn, 
well-documented, clear, and actively supported by the author.

I wrote ipchains rules by hand for years. Then I wrote iptables rules by 
hand for months. Then I found Shorewall, and I've never looked back... over 
100 systems now and counting. It's allowed me to do things for which I had 
not yet mastered the iptables syntax, and also things I didn't know 
iptables could do. :-)

As a further note: I have come to believe that user error makes it too easy 
to make mistakes on a hand-written script, *regardless* of the skill level 
of the administrator. In any human endeavor seeking precision, 
repeatability, and reduction of errors, tools are used to automate tasks 
like this. I much prefer Shorewall to hand-editing iptables rules; not only 
is it easier, I believe the end result (because it eliminates many possible 
errors I might make) is more secure.


Rodolfo J. Paiz
rpaiz at

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