fstab and mass storage cameras

Tobias Weisserth fedora-lists at weisserth.net
Wed Jun 2 22:52:33 UTC 2004


On Thu, 2004-06-03 at 00:29, john brennan-sardou wrote:
> My fstab is the following :
> dev/sda1   /mnt/camera       auto,  noauto, rw, users,   0 0

> Any ideas please which can help me on this one?

How does /dev look like /before/ you plugin the device and right /after/
you plug it in? Which device entries appear/disappear (for example

If your fstab entry doesn't match the device file entry the kernel
appoints your device you can't simply mount it like this.

Maybe the output of "usbview" might be helpful if you've got usbview


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