Dear Fedora Community, what do you want?

Christopher Chan cchan at
Thu Jun 3 16:43:48 UTC 2004

Scott Sloan wrote:
> I had a discussion with a friend about a week ago about Linux and
> hardware support. Basically it was the endless loop that " Linux's
> popularity is directly related to the amount of hardware support which
> is based on it's popularity of the OS"

Blah, blah, blah. For a desktop machine I'll give it that much but for 
servers or routing boxes I'd say the hardware support is more or less 
there already.

For desktop purposes, we can do with more drivers but the important ones 
(ATI, Nvidia, sound) are more or less in place.
> So I took the question to the other side of the fence to a friend who
> works in high upper management, who's words carries a lot of weight, for
> a highly respected hardware manufacture, well at least for printers in
> my book. 

hmm...such drivers for non-postscript printers are not necessarily Linux 
  kernel drivers...the same drivers will probably work on any Unix 
platform they are compiled on.
> "Give me a list of what the Linux community is seeking as far as
> hardware support and I'll see if I can get some bodies working on it.
> With a convincing email or two and we should be able to get it done"

Including stuff other than printers? :P
> I know nothing is for certain (besides: death and taxes  :) but I would
> like to write the email just to get the issue out there. so I'm asking
> What do we want from manufactures? Just great stable drivers? GPL
> drivers? And How can we convince them that writing drivers for Linux is
> worth their time? 

stable drivers is all that matters to me. GPL great but not required.

Drivers for any MPEG2/4 hardware encoder please :P

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