linux hogging memory

Christopher Chan cchan at
Thu Jun 3 23:24:46 UTC 2004

Alexander Dalloz wrote:
> Am Fr, den 04.06.2004 schrieb Christopher Chan um 1:09:
>>Upgrade to 2.6.6 if you can. Things are better there and FC1 can handle 
>>2.6.x out of the box (that is, no need to upgrade module tools and other 
> You certainly mean FC2 and not FC1, as FC1 is not kernel 2.6 ready.

I run a whole bunch of boxes with FC1 + 2.6.x kernels

Without the need to install module-init-tools or upgrade nfs-utils to 
1.0.6 like I do for my RH9 boxes.

Please try again.

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