Dear Fedora Community, what do you want?

Joe(theWordy)Philbrook jtwdyp at
Fri Jun 4 03:23:13 UTC 2004

Hash: SHA1

It would appear that on Jun 3, Dwaine Castle did say:

> I am new to Linux and my experience so far has been great.
> I've installed RH9, FC1, RC2-T3, and now FC2 on 2 MBs.  Linux is more stable
> that recent MS OSs.  I've run all of MS OSs from DOS to XP.  None of the OSs
> since W2k-SP4 have been stable enough, on a P4, for me to even load MS
> Office much less compliers or a development system.  I have a development
> system and would love to move it to either of my 2 other P4 systems but...
> With a little more experience and practise with the new key-combinations I
> plan to move to Linux exclusively.
> This list has been a great help to me and I want to thank all the guys that
> have posted solutions and recomendations.
> I've said this before, but the nature of this list is changeing.  The 20% of
> the people that help the other 80% seem a little stressed.  They must answer
> the same questions over and over again.  And the people that ask these
> questions are evermore demanding.  I will argue that the service that one
> gets here rivals or exceeds that of Microsoft's paid support.
> I subscribe to the digest form of this list.  One suggestion that I have is
> that the manager add a link to the archives at the top of the message.
> Hopefully this will enable/encourage more people to do some homework.
> I appreciate the distrbution tables that were presented recently.  Paredo
> tables & charts might also help direct people the archives.
> Maybe a small library of scripts that could collect information for people
> that haven't mastered the OS yet might help also.

I think the point of the OP of this thread was what do we linux users
want from hardware vendors (drivers etc...) particularly printers...

That said, I agree with most of what you said. Though if they fix or
improve the links to the archives I wish they would include a link to a
good how-to that explains how this particular archive's search tools work.
( I've tried to find threads that I know existed because I participated
and used a text string I know I typed... and had it come back with zero
found, so I think a good easy to find, archive search tutorial would
go a long way towards convincing people that it was worth trying to
search the archives first...)

Now about the nature of a list with an overburdened 20% who are most
certainly giving MUCH better FREE support to the 80% than Microsoft gives
it's paying customers stressing, out the 20% of really nice persons who
are sharing their expertise here. Well to the 20% I say THANK YOU! It is
my hope that some of the 80 percent will chip in as far as they are able
and help that 20% become 21%, then 22%, etc... Even if this doesn't
actually reduce the workload on the core EXPERT 20%, Just knowing that
some of those they helped are trying, should at least give them a warm fuzzy.

Since I believe that this list (and the people who "play?" here) are the
best thing fedora has going for it. And they make fedora the best OS
choice around. {Well them and a *LOT* of good code<wink>.} So what I want
is for as many of the 80% who have both a clue, and ears to listen with,
to please chip in before the 20% get tired of carrying us all the time.
This list is a great resource, lets make sure we keep it!

- -- 
|				      ---   ---
|     Joe (theWordy) Philbrook	      <o>   <o>
|	   J(tWdy)P			  ^
|	<<jtwdyp at>>		/---\	"bla bla bla..."
|					\___/	"...and bla..."

   At least I know my mouth is running, I just can't find the off button!

   # You can find my public gpg key at  #

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