Grub Config

Joe(theWordy)Philbrook jtwdyp at
Sat Jun 5 17:20:35 UTC 2004

Hash: SHA1

It would appear that on Jun 4, Avery did say:

> All of these setting can be found in the file /boot/grub/grub.conf
> Messing around with a front for grub in my opinion is a waste of time. Get familiar with the VIM text editor.
> Try doing this at the command prompt
> #vi /boot/grub/grub.conf
> type the letter "i" to edit the file
> type in :wq to write the changes to the file and quit

Oh please...
I happen to *LOVE* vim, But if your going to suggest it to *new* users
who are not even comfortable with editing the configuration file your
suggesting they learn vim with. ACK! shudder Not a great idea.

I'd recommend perhaps that they instead start with:
# cp /boot/grub/grub.conf ~/grub.conf.test
# vim ~/grub.conf.test 
Or better still let them practice this unfamiliar tool with the relative
safety of a non-root user account where they should be able to:
$ cat /boot/grub/grub.conf > ~/grub.conf.test
$ vim ~/grub.conf.test 

Also do tell them about some of the things they can put in a ~/.vimrc to
make vim more friendly to new users. Like at least the showmode toggle
that will put an on screen clue as to when you are in insert mode.

:set smd
:set nosmd

And certainly tell them about the most user friendly feature vim has over
the original vi, the :help command which should open the help system at a
description of how to use it.


vim is a great, and powerful editor that is well worth mastering... 
But dropping a new user into it cold on what they think of as a critical
system configuration file, could lead to a bad experience that would
keep them from ever giving vim another chance.

- -- 
|				      ---   ---
|     Joe (theWordy) Philbrook	      <o>   <o>
|	   J(tWdy)P			  ^
|	<<jtwdyp at>>		/---\	"bla bla bla..."
|					\___/	"...and bla..."

   At least I know my mouth is running, I just can't find the off button!

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