ATI drivers

Jack Howarth howarth at
Sat Jun 5 22:10:15 UTC 2004

    What I did to get the ATI 3.9.0 drivers installed on
Fedora Core 2, running the Linux 2.6.6-1.406 kernel, was...

1) download fglrx-4.3.0-3.9.0.i386.rpm and install with...

sudo rpm -Uvh --force fglrx-4.3.0-3.9.0.i386.rpm 

2) download and install the kernel-sourcecode rpm for the
kernel you are currently running.

3) if using the SMP kernel make a symlink like...

sudo ln -s /usr/src/linux-2.6.6-1.406 /usr/src/linux-2.6.6-1.406smp the drm includes can be properly found during fglrx builds.

4) make a backup copy of your current xorg.conf...

sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup

5) download the patch for building ATI 3.9.0 on fc2 from...

and apply it by...

cd /lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod
sudo patch -p1 < /path/to/fglrx-3.9.0-fc2.patch

6) if building against Linux 2.6.6 or later use the patch from...

7) now build the fglrx kernel module by...

cd /lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod
sudo sh
cd ..
sudo sh

8) assuming you've made your xorg.conf backup, now run fglrxconfig...

sudo fglrxconfig

<I would suggest you disable the AGP page locking feature.>

9) take XF86Config-4 created in /etc/X11 and copy out the Device
section for the ATI Graphics Card. Paste this into your original
xorg.conf just below the Device section for Videocard0. Edit
the Screen section in xorg.conf to change the line...

Device "Videocard0" 


Device "ATI Graphics Card"

If you previously had been configured for the radeon graphics drivers
in FC2 the remaining settings for dri, etc should be okay. Move the
XF86Config-4 created by fglrxconfig aside as XF86Config-4.ati so
xorg doesn't get confused by it.

Now when you reboot you should have working DRI. 

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