ToTem Media Player

Jim Cornette jim-cornette at
Sat Jun 5 23:41:23 UTC 2004

Alexander Appel wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Prasanth Kumar wrote:
>>On Sat, 2004-06-05 at 11:55 -0400, Chiheb Djabri wrote:
>>>Did somebody has tried to install Totem Player 'cause I really had
>>>problems with: I compiled Xine-Lib but when when I click in totem rpm
>>>File it say that it requires Xine components... I wonder if Xine is not
>>>compiled correctly. It followed instruction in xine web site but after
>>>compiling, I failed executing "ldconfig" commands.
>>>Need help  please!!!
>>I installed Totem/Xine the other day from RPMS. I got them from
> I too got Totem from freshrpms yum archive but I'm experiencing some
> problems (Totem chrashes silently, can't playback some mpeg files,
> displays only a blue screen until resized ...) which I never experienced
> with Totem from the rep I used under FC1.

I get the same bluish screen with totem, until I resize it as you point 
out. I'm using a livna version. Two bugs were experienced. Blue screen 
until resize (fullscreen works great) and it did not know which drive 
was my DVD player. It tried to access my CDROM until reconfigured. Totem 
doesn't crash, which is good.

Xine, is a different story. Sometimes it will kill X immediately on 
launch. Then other times it seems to crash and kill X after a short 
period of time. I was thinking that automount was causing it or DRI. I 
killed automount before launching xine. It still crashed after a short 
time, in an unpredictable pattern.


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