FC2 Game Wish List

Crutcher Dunnavant crutcher at gmail.com
Mon Jun 7 02:11:14 UTC 2004

Hi. Trevor Jay and I are longtime Red Hat / Fedora users, and we are
looking to get a little more active in the community. I have some rpm
building experience, and he doesn't, so we decided that building extra
packages would be a good way to start. Since we have some long term
aspirations to get into game work, we decided to package up an apt/yum
repository of games for FC2.

We have a test repo at this point, and we hope to bring up a live
public repo in a week or so.

This brings us to the point:
What free games would people like packaged?
What games, already having a package somewhere, would people like in a
maintained repository?

Crutcher <crutcher at gmail.com>

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