Fedora Core 3 Wishlist

Joe(theWordy)Philbrook jtwdyp at ttlc.net
Mon Jun 7 13:25:29 UTC 2004

Hash: SHA1

It would appear that on Jun 7, Dave Jones did say:

> On Sun, Jun 06, 2004 at 02:44:32PM +0100, Paul Duffy wrote:


>  > I feel these are mostly minor fixes (like the kernel defaults).


> A lot of people don't realise, it's very easy to pick a set of
> kernel defaults that make everything work 'out of the box'
> for one particular system. Trying to make a kernel that works
> out of the box for every possible system we target, is a very
> different problem space.  For every reason to enable an option,
> there's usually a downside, and a reason not to enable it.
> Sometimes it's a question of balance, sometimes there are
> hard and fast rules (like 'it breaks vendor x's gizmo')

So how about setting up a pre-install  hardware [detection/user query]
that can determine which of several sets of kernel defaults to use for the

That is, as a selectable option. so that users who are sure that the
default-default is going to work with their hardware won't have to wait
for it...

I's probably just a dumb idea from someone who is nearly clueless when
it comes to kernel defaults. So far fedora has done well enough by my
hardware that I haven't had to learn to tune my kernel... But using the
above quoted paragraph as a guide: if vendor x's gizmo is NOT present,
and there is a detected/selected reason to enable the option that would
break vendor x's gizmo, [ask/warn] the user to insure that vendor x's
gizmo isn't going to be installed, and if assured it won't be, enable the

Just an idea.

- -- 
|      ?           ?		
|        -=-   -=-	 I'm NOT clueless...    	
|        <?>   <?>    	But I just don't know.  	
|            ^          Joe (theWordy) Philbrook           
|           ---  	     J(tWdy)P
|			  <jtwdyp at ttlc.net> 
|      ?           ?		

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