(no subject)

ne... akabi at speakeasy.net
Wed Jun 9 22:56:24 UTC 2004

On Jun 9, 2004 at 15:00, Clyde Wilson in a soothing rage wrote:

>Give me a break. 
Take a minute. That's all you deserve.

>FC2 doesn't bother to ask if you need a bootdisk and 
>doesn't give you one. 
Cause the kernel image no longer fits on a floppy
and this has been rehashed so many times...

>KPPP no longer works with automatic DNS updates.  
>Why should the user fix it?
You need to read http://fedora.redhat.com/about/objectives.html
and the first 3 paragraphs of http://fedora.redhat.com.

Registered Linux User # 125653 (http://counter.li.org)
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