gnome/nautilus in FC2 question (scripts in nautilus)

Brian Anderson bikehead at
Thu Jun 10 16:13:36 UTC 2004

I had this exact same problem.  All my old scripts wouldn't appear.  
Even newly added scripts wouldn't appear.  I restarted gnome, checked 
the executables, etc.

I finally had to delete all the gnome window manager 
directories--.gnome, gnome2, etc--and re-login.  Only after the 
directories were recreated, and I moved the scripts back did they start 
appearing.  Not the greatest workaround, but effective

Andrea Giuliano wrote:

>On Thu, 2004-06-10 at 15:59, Dexter Ang wrote:
>>Christoph Wickert wrote:
>>>Am Do, den 10.06.2004 schrieb Cam um 10:07:
>>>>I like the new nautilus but wondered what's happened to the scripts 
>>>>feature? I see the help for nautilus still mentions File->Scripts but 
>>>>it's not in the menu... has it been configured out silently or is it a 
>>>>documentation error?
>>>It will show up in the menu as so as you drop a script in the script
>>And to those who don't know, the script folder is located in 
>Right, and actually all my old scripts are still there, but they don't
>appear in the menu anymore. They are organized in directories, and the
>name of these dirs is the only thing the menu will show. Any script
>inside them is not shown.
>I also tried to drop a new script inside that folder, but nothing

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