fetchmail "X-Fetchmail-Warning" for mail from a mailinglist address

James Wilkinson james at westexe.demon.co.uk
Thu Jun 10 23:37:55 UTC 2004

Matt Hansen wrote:
> I've just set up a local mail server (Sendmail) on a FC2 machine and I'm
> using fetchmail to retrieve my ISP email via POP3. I then have a MUA
> (Evolution) on a FC1 client machine that downloads the messages from FC2
> via IMAP (dovecot) running on the FC2 machine.
> The issue is with a warning I'm getting in the mail headers of any
> message retrieved from a mailing list, including fedora-list at redhat.com:
> "X-Fetchmail-Warning:  recipient address fedora-list at redhat.com didn't
> match any local name"
> The fetchmail manpage mentions this warning will occur when fetchmail
> can't find a valid local name in the recipient address (predictably so
> with mailing list mail since they commonly include only the mailing-list
> address in the "To:" header; BCC: for the list members).
> So, the manpage mentions to overcome this, fetchmail will first check
> the "Received:" header for the correct local recipient address, then
> "Resent-*:" and finally the "Apparently-To:","To:","Cc:", and "Bcc:"
> headers. In my case, it seems the "correct" local recipient address
> (matt at localhost)  can not be found by fetchmail in this case so it
> defaults to using the To: header which is "fedora-list at redhat.com" which
> obviously isn't a localname on my systems. 
> So finally (sorry for the length!) is there anything I can do about this
> error for mailing-list addresses? The manpage says to [quote]: "make 
> sure  your mailserver  writes  an  envelope-address header that
> fetchmail can see." However, inspection of an email's full header from
> this list shows "Received:" headers with "to" matt at localhost, so, surely
> fetchmail can see from that who the local recipient is?

Could you post the "Received" headers from a typical list e-mail? It
would make things much clearer.

(In particular, the mention of a matt at localhost sounds like something
that your sendmail has introduced after fetchmail has played with it).

> My fairly basic .fetchmailrc:
> set no bouncemail
> poll mail.optusnet.com.au proto pop3
>      user 'helios82' there with password 'mypass' is user matt here

What the manpage doesn't make too clear is that fetchmail doesn't treat
all the received lines as authoritative. In your case, it will be
looking for mail.optusnet.com.au in a line like
Received: from example.com by mail.optusnet.com.au
    for helios82 at optusnet.com.au

Sometimes (for example, on my ISP, Demon) the name you use to access the
server isn't what the server itself thinks it is called. In this case,
you need to use the aka keyword to tell fetchmail what
mail.optusnet.com.au thinks it is called. So you might have
poll mail.optusnet.com.au proto pop3 aka mailstore
     user 'helios82' there with password 'mypass' is user matt here
if the POP3 server thinks it is called mailstore.

If mail to you always comes through several mailservers, and not all of
them have usable "received" headers, I believe that you can point "aka"
at any one.

There is a good reason for this behaviour: Fedora List e-mails have the
Received: from int-mx1.corp.redhat.com (int-mx1.corp.redhat.com
        by listman.util.phx.redhat.com (8.12.10/8.12.10) with ESMTP id
        i56B8tNv007310 for <fedora-list at listman.util.phx.redhat.com>;
        Sun, 6 Jun 2004 07:08:55 -0400
which is obviously *before* fedora-list is expanded to the individual
recipients. So fetchmail won't assume that line is any use to it.

Hope this helps,


E-mail address: james@ | They say the heat and the flies here can drive a man
westexe.demon.co.uk    | insane. But you don't have to believe that, and nor
                       | does that bright mauve elephant that just cycled
                       | past.  -- Terry Pratchett, The Last Continent

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