WTF: Stack Size 4k

Jeffrey D. Means meaje at
Fri Jun 11 04:35:29 UTC 2004

On Thu, 2004-06-10 at 10:19, Sean Estabrooks wrote:
> On Thu, 10 Jun 2004 09:28:38 -0600
> "Jeffrey D. Means" <meaje at> wrote:
> > Well First of all I was merely restating the problem exists and if you
> > checked when I joined the list it was about 15 minutes ago(
> Pffft.   Nice entrance.
> > ).  Then I was wondering why things are progressing downhill in Core 2
> > since I have nothing but problems in my server center since starting a
> Things aren't going downhill.   There is a new kernel.   To get the good
> things that come with the new kernel you have to accept that there
> will be some issues along the way.   
> > move to Core 2 (since stopped).  First you do not have support for the
> > advansys module in the install script and have not since RH 9.  How the
> > hell are those of us who use and love the SCSI boards based on the
> > advansys chipset supposed to install on systems using SCSI drives
> > attached to those cards?  I have several boxes with advansys cards in
> What are you doing to help the Linux community build a better kernel?   
> Have you invested any time, effort or money in helping develop that 
> new kernel?    If not, why would you think that your needs would be met 
> by it?   Did you even test it before deploying it?   Just what kind of CIO
> are you?   Do you ever accept personal responsibility for your decisions
> or just join mailing lists and instantly blame the people who gave you
> something for free?

Well I pretty much live on the php and samba groups and as much as I
have wanted to tell some newbie who has obviously not RTFMed to RTFM, I
instead choose to help those users by directly emailing them and working
on their issue(s) (See attached)  And to answer your question no I do
not just join mailing lists and start blaming people who provide
services for free.  I should explain what started this chain of events
so you can see why I am in such a foul mood.  1) I suffer from migraines
and have had one for over 5 days now and am letting it affect my work
and am taking it out on people I see, as for that I am sorry to those
who I have directed it at.  2) I have received several flames asking me
to prove myself worthy and have not seen any useful suggestions for
problems I have. 3) I have a server down now for well over 2 weeks due
to this issue I am having with the advansys SCSI card and have not made
time to reload FC1 on it yet which is making me edgy. 4) I just
installed a new g-force 4 card in my desktop and can not get the
enhanced drivers put out by NVIDIA to run with it on FC1 or FC2 (Yes I
need to RTFM some more).  Now I realize that none of these items should
excuse me wanting you guys to snap to and do something but I hope you
now see why I was so frustrated this morning, and yes I did choose the
wrong place to take my frustrations out, so I apologize again hoping
that you will understand why I blew and that it was directed at so many
things not just the FC team.

> > them with drives attached.  Next you did not allow me to recompile my
> > kernel with the 8k stack size by choosing to not allow that as an option
> > in the build menu I had to go DL a new kernel source to rebuild my
> This is just your lack of knowledge poking through again.   This was not
> the Fedora teams decision but that of the kernel community.   It's a good
> decision that makes a better kernel and is no problem for the open
> source community.
> > kernel with this option(Bugs: 120446 124018 111232).  I want a distro
> > that simplifies my life as an administrator not makes things orders of
> > magnitude more difficult!
> Orders of magnitude.  heh.. typical hyperbole.

I switched to Linux 5 years ago to be part of this revolution and back
then people cared about the people using their products and cared about
customer service.  Today I see too many people in the US especially with
a MC Job attitude, 'Its not my fault blame the corp, or my favorite
Would you like fries with that?' when most of the time no I don't want
fries and that person taking 15 more seconds and actually putting some
care in to their work even if they are working at McDonalds serving a
lunch rush would not have me and the rest of the world wondering where
"Customer Service" has gone.  Yes I realize that they are not getting
paid enough to be customer service employees but hell who is?  It all
comes down to taking and extra 15 seconds with each person and fixing
the problem the first time not passing it up the chain of authority, as
has to happen all too frequently any more.  I stopped working telephone
tech support when I started getting graded on how long it was taking to
serve each customers needs most effectively and completely.  (In working
for a HP contractor I was the only person in my queue of over 500 to
have 1 person call back for the same issue in over a year the remainder
of the customers I worked with were satisfied with the answers I gave
them even when my management was breathing down my neck for call time
issues as I would not abide by their 5 minute per call time limit.  I
feel that if you have a problem and bring it to a customer support
representative then you deserve a solution to your problem.)
> Regards,
> Sean

Jeffrey D. Means                                     meaje at
CIO for MeansPC                                 http:\\
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