
Jeff Vian jvian10 at charter.net
Fri Jun 11 20:25:54 UTC 2004

mickey wrote:

>I had the same issue with my laptop, (1680x1050)
>Edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf
>Go down to the Modes "1024x768" 800x600" ...
>change it to Modes   "1280x800" "1024x768" etc
>then save and hit CTRL-ALT-BKSPACE to restart x
NOTE: ctrl-alt-bksp  will NOT restart X if you are in runlevel 5.  You 
will need to 1) reboot or 2) from a console screen as root use "telinit 
3" to get a non-graphics screen then "telinit 5" to go back to the 
graphics mode.

I would recommend instead, to do the 'telinit 3' before starting your 
edit of the config file.  From there you can use "startx" to start the X 
server and ctrl-alt-bksp to kill it after each test.  Once it is working 
correctly then use 'telinit 5' to go back to the graphics mode.

>That should work great, (it's possible you will also have to set the 
>horrizontal/vertical freq too - it's in the same config file Mine says 
>"HorizSync 31.5 - 90.0"
>"VertRefresh 60.0 - 60.0"
>then Go into GIMP and create a new document the dot size of your screen 
>(1280x800) and view it at 1:1.  It should be the size of your screen - (It's a 
>good test)
>-Linux MASTER wannabe - but I'm currently just scratchin' the surface!
>Martin Biggs wrote:
>>On Saturday 05 Jun 2004 16:46, Timothy Murphy wrote:
>>>Martin Biggs wrote:
>>>>Hi, I am hoping one of you can help me.
>>>>I have a eMachines M5116 laptop with a screen resolution of 1280x800; but
>>>>can only get it to work at 1024x768.
>>>I don't know much about this subject,
>>>but you have the Depth set to 24 for this resolution.
>>>You could try setting it to 16
>>>(and also DefaultColorDepth).
>>Thankyou for your sugestion, I didhave doubts as to if it would make any 
>>difference as it is known to work under Mandrake.  I did try it though with 
>>no change in effect.
>>Thanks anyway.

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