enable DNS

Peter Boy pboy at barkhof.uni-bremen.de
Sat Jun 12 09:15:54 UTC 2004

Am Fr, den 11.06.2004 schrieb Nina Pham um 23:54:
> I got the correct ip back when i do nslookup server, but don't get 
> anythinig from www.duke.edu. How do I make sure that dns client is on?

Given your findings with nslookup you don't have a dns client problem
but a connection problem. Either your internet connection as a whole is
broken or the IP address you entered in /etc/resolv.conf is wrong or not
a DNS server. You have to check your connection. In addition to the
hints of others you may try in a terminal windows:
  ping xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
to check if you simply can reach the name server machine. 

In a browser window you should enter the IP address of www.duke.edu
( and check if you get their home page

In a terminal window you may enter
  telnet xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx 53
to check, if their is really a DNS server running. You should receive a
message like 
  connected to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
  Escape character is xx

If you get a message like "connect to address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx.
Connection refused" there is no DNS server running.


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