Mouse click processing delay problem in X

Jeff Vian jvian10 at
Sat Jun 12 21:22:42 UTC 2004

David Balazic wrote:

>I have a fresh clean FC2 with SELinux and found a really annoying thing
>with the mouse in X ( GNOME Desktop ).
>Sometimes when I click on window titlebar, move the mouse for example
>a selection rectangle appears on the desktop ( above the window ). As if the
>was not correctly processed.
>Looks like the click is noticed with some delay and the the current mouse
>is evaluated and not the position when the click actually happened.
>( by click I mean pishe the left mouse button and hold it, without releasing
>a standard "move the window with the mouse" operation )
This is not a "click".  This is a "click & hold" and is used with "drag" 
A "click" is a press & release.

If you do not already have focus on the window you are attempting to 
drag it will not select it for dragging.  You will need to first "click" 
to set the focus, then "drag" to do the move..  Your descriptionn fits 
the situation where the title bar is not the window with focus.

Your description is symptoms I have seen on a lot of different platforms 
when the window where I do the "drag" does not have the focus so the 
action does a "select" on the desktop or other window instead and draws 
a box to outline the region selected by moving the mouse.

>This is _very_ annoying. Is it a known problem ?
>           Innovation, not litigation !
>David Balazic                      mailto:david.balazic at
>HERMES Softlab       
>Zagrebska cesta 104            Phone: +386 2 450 8851 
>SI-2000 Maribor
>"Be excellent to each other." -
>Bill S. Preston, Esq. & "Ted" Theodore Logan

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