[FC2 x86_64] Kudzu does not accept keyboard input

Robert Locke rlocke at ralii.com
Sun Jun 13 23:09:48 UTC 2004

On Sun, 2004-06-13 at 17:46, Fons van der Beek wrote:
> Many users are used to the stable products like RedHat 8 and 9, not to the
> experimental positioning of Fedora....

My 2 cents...  I am not sure that FC 1 has been any more or less stable
than RHL 8 or 9 (certainly FC 2 has been interesting, but that's a whole
new kernel and expected to have some rough edges)....  Since the release
of Advanced Server and the "rename" to RHEL years ago, it has always
been abundantly clear that RHL was a "test-bed" for RHEL.  Just 'cause
it's name changed in October and RedHat is opening up the process
(albeit painfully slowly) more to the community, I just do not see that
much of a difference.

Remember it's not a free ride, but a freedom of choice.

Sorry for floating so far off topic on this thread....


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