[FC2] ISA cards not detected....

antonio montagnani anto.montagnani at virgilio.it
Mon Jun 14 17:19:13 UTC 2004

Bob Chiodini wrote/ha scritto, On/il 14/06/2004 19:01:

>On Mon, 2004-06-14 at 12:08, antonio montagnani wrote:
>>Do you mean that I have to set for example and then recompile the 
>>kernel??? I wonder why if FC1 everything was fine, now that I have 
>>upgraded....this is a silly question but I am an user (in office..) not 
>>a guru of Fedora
>> Antonio 
>Yes so it seems...  FC1 used a 2.4 kernel, and FC2 uses a 2.6 kernel. 
>It seems strange that these cards have been relegated to optional,
>considering how popular they were not so long ago.
>Maybe you should submit a bug report to bugzilla.

the Ne2000 is old, I agree, but if you recover an old machine and use it 
as a gateway/firewall/router, it makes sense.
I have no time (and also my time has a cost) to compile a kernel that 
would be my first time, so I think I will go to buy a PCI new card.




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