httpd dead

Nina Pham nina at
Tue Jun 15 19:55:48 UTC 2004

Alexander Dalloz wrote:

>Am Di, den 15.06.2004 schrieb Nina Pham um 21:35:
>>I stop current my web server, when I restarted it /etc/init.d/httpd 
>>start. it said OK, but when I do status, it said "httpd dead but pid 
>>file exists". And I can't go to my website. What does that mean? what 
>>can I do to restart the service?
>Did you run a "apachectl configtest" to see whether your configuration
>is valid? If it is ok, then run "service httpd stop", see whether
>/var/run/ exist, if yes then delete it and run "service httpd
OK, there's another message. It failed when I did service httpd stop. 
then "httpd dead but subsys locked" when I did service http status. BTW, 
my website'd been running, so it has to be valid, I think.


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