FC2 not finding things..??

ne... akabi at speakeasy.net
Wed Jun 16 12:40:33 UTC 2004

On Jun 16, 2004 at 08:51, Ted Gervais in a soothing rage wrote:

>I am wondering why Linux (FC2) can't find all the hardware
>attachments/applications that are attached to one's computer. I am
>thinking of printers, scanners, etc..
>I ask this because Windows finds these things so well?  And Linux is
>supposed to be better.  So, why are these devices not found when booting
>up Linux?
>With each new Kernel there is always hope that these little
>'differences' will be resolved. And with new releases such as FC2 our
>further expectations are increased.  But these little differences are
>not found or fixed. And yet, the Windows Operating System does so well
>with this stuff??
And how can any of this happen if the hardware manufacturers
do not release specs for the hardware or deliberately design
the hardware for MS Windows? Maybe when you find out how the
hardware munufacturers and MS interact, you will be able to
answer your question.

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