FC2 Issues

Rodolfo J. Paiz rpaiz at simpaticus.com
Thu Jun 17 14:10:35 UTC 2004

At 08:04 6/17/2004, akonstam at trinity.edu wrote:
>On Wed, Jun 16, 2004 at 04:12:59PM -0500, John Thompson wrote:
> >
> > Umm, Fedora is *NOT* a RedHat product.  It is a community project 
> sponsored by RedHat, but it is explicitly not a product supported by RedHat.
> >
>Statments like this make me angry. The people who distribute fedora
>work for RedHat. RedHat distributes Fedora. Fedora is a redhat product
>used to test ideas that will be put in the Enterprise system.

And I have four people currently working on recycling donated old computers 
to give away as charity to orphanages. If those computers break later, it's 
my fault because we put in the money, time, and effort to make sure a Good 
Thing was available to someone else? If we make a mistake, of course we 
would try to fix it. But if we make a mistake, then you would cease to buy 
my products (say, new computers) because my efforts at helping the 
community (and of course myself via publicity et al.) are not perfect?

Sorry, Aaron... Just Plain Wrong [tm]. Red Hat, Inc. has a product line 
consisting primarily of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. They sell and support 
those products. Period. End of story.

HOWEVER, Red Hat would not have a product to sell/support at all if it 
weren't for the many thousands of developers in the community who produce 
X, GNOME, KDE, OpenOffice, ncurses, iptables, and a few thousand other 
packages. Red Hat depends on that community of developers to be healthy and 
to make progress so their product can be better. In order to make sure that 
packages they include do get better, Red Hat pays programmers to work on 
many packages within Linux; this is a way to contribute back to the 
community and be a good citizen while also helping yourself.

Fedora is a part of the Linux community. Red Hat specifically says "Fedora 
is not a supported product of Red Hat, Inc." Red Hat *is* the driving force 
behind Fedora, and this is one of the ways in which they help the Linux 
community while also helping themselves. But do not confuse this with "they 
make it, therefore they're entirely responsible for it." Simply not true.


Rodolfo J. Paiz
rpaiz at simpaticus.com

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