New User - Part 2

Rodolfo J. Paiz rpaiz at
Thu Jun 17 18:24:40 UTC 2004

At 11:43 6/17/2004, Shadow wrote:
>Well....I decided to make the plunge and bought that Linux box that I 
>mentioned in my last post.  It's sitting in my dining room right now.  I 
>booted it up for the first time a few minutes ago....nice interface!  So 
>now, I need some docs.  I downloaded those on the site as .pdf but would 
>like to purchase some books.....preferably not the **for dummies** 
>series.  What are some of the fav books out there for Fedora 2?  I need 
>the user's and admininstration books as this machine WILL be integrated 
>into my network this weekend when I take down, finally for good, the NT server.

Are in a very big hurry? If not, I would suggest leaving the old server up 
for two weeks or so while you get the hang of the new one. It's better to 
go piece by piece and learn things one at a time if you can afford the 
time. Once you've started using the box, then you make it the gateway for 
Internet access. Then you make it the webserver. Then you make it the 
mailserver. Finally you change over Samba file sharing and you kill the NT 
box before it has the chance to make any trouble. <grin>

Just an example, but really... if you can afford to spend a little time 
learning before you shut down the old box, great.

Re books, there's not much available for Fedora yet as it's too new. 
However, I can suggest that O'Reilly has what they call a "Safari" account. 
You spend $10 per month and you can have up to 5 (any 5!) of their books on 
your electronic bookshelf at any time. When you check in one book you can 
check out another. And you have a limit on checkins/checkouts per month so 
you don't go hogwild. :-)

Given that most of their books are fantastic, and that each book is 
normally $40 or so, I see Safari as a great deal. They also have larger 
accounts and stuff... see:


Rodolfo J. Paiz
rpaiz at

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