Disk Cleanup

Steven Stern subscribed-lists at sterndata.com
Thu Jun 17 21:36:26 UTC 2004

On Thu, 17 Jun 2004 23:04:24 +0200, "Per-Olof Litby - Reg'l Mgr Nordic/Baltic
- Java System Software - Sun  Microsystems" <politby at sun.com> wrote:

>Being sort of a newbie to Linux, I was wondering if someone could post 
>some hints as to what is the best way to free up space on a disk. I find 
>myself  running out of disk space and would like to remove any 
>uncessesary junk left over from upgrades, kernel builds, software 
>installations, etc. Is there a good tutorial somwhere which tells me 
>what I can delete and what not?

To get a handle on where the space is going, use 

  du -h /

as root

Also, play with the -s and -S options 

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