vpn server setup help

Jason Costomiris jcostom at jasons.org
Sat Jun 19 03:12:56 UTC 2004

On Jun 18, 2004, at 10:11 PM, Kenneth Porter wrote:

> I found OpenVPN very easy to set up:

I found pptpd much simpler to setup.  One of these days, I'll get 
around to sorting out the ipsec-tools or isakmpd and start using the 
kernel ipsec, but for today, pptp is going to suffice.  Plus, it's all 
right there working out of the box on my iBook.

Tried (without success) to get l2tpd and ipsec going together, but no 
joy, then again, I didn't have the time to devote to the studying I'd 
need to have done.

Grabbed the kernel module that adds mppe support, updated ppp, 
installed & config'd the pptpd, and that just left adjustments to my 
iptables configs.  All done in about 30 minutes, including reading 
howtos, etc.

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