Adding Linux distro to fstab

Peter Boy pboy at
Sat Jun 19 09:08:27 UTC 2004

Am Sa, den 19.06.2004 schrieb Trey Sizemore um 05:07:
> Well, in retrospect, I think the problem is that a bootloader no longer
> exists for SUSE.  It was on the MBR before I installed FC2 and overwrote
> it.  What I should have done was install FC2 and installed it's
> bootloader on its / partition.

A bootloader consists of two parts: One is installed in the MBR, the
second in a normal partition, either in /boot or in / depending on your
partitioning schema. The MBR part is not much more as a starter for the
second part. The MBR part of the SuSE installation is overwritten, the
second part is not.

> Is there a way to get SUSE back now?

of course :-)

If the example of Phil does not work, you should try a modification: 

title SUSE
        root (hd0,0)
        kernel /boot/vmlinuz ro root=/dev/hda1
        initrd /boot/initrd

because SuSE uses symlinks, you don't need the kernel version if you are
not shure about it. If you use the current kernel, it is:

title SUSE
        root (hd0,0)
        kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.4-54.5-default ro root=/dev/hda1
        initrd /boot/initrd-2.6.4-54.5-default

It it doesn't work either, you should boot from your SuSE CD and start
the rescue mode. chroot to your SuSE partition (follow the instructions
on the screen) and reinstall lilo, but not into the MBR (/dev/hda) but
into the SuSE partition (dev/hda1 in your case). May be you can use text
based YAST instead of the command line. Having done so my previous
suggestion with chainloader +1 should work in any case.


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