opinions on replacing vsftpd with proftpd?

Mark A. Hoover mahoover at ispaceonline.org
Sun Jun 20 22:47:02 UTC 2004

From: Matthew Miller <mattdm at mattdm.org>
 > ProFTPD is great, but it shouldn't replace vsftpd. They serve
 > different needs. ProFTPD has many features and powerful configuration
 > options, while vsftpd is tiny and therefore intrinsically less 
exposed > to security risks.
 > I think ProFTPD should be added to Fedora Extras, or maybe Fedora
 > Alternatives.

Agreed.  I personally prefer vsftpd.  However, I don't see why Proftpd 
couldn't be made an option during the installation procedure.  There's 
multiple ftp clients, mail clients, databases, etc in the package 
options list, why not just list multiple ftp daemons?

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