burner disappears after update kernel

ne... akabi at speakeasy.net
Mon Jun 21 11:44:21 UTC 2004

On Jun 21, 2004 at 13:24, Marc in a soothing rage wrote:

>When I use the updated 2.6.6 kernel (from the original 2.5 FC2 kernel)
>cdrecord is unable to find my cd burner (slave on the second IDE
>I tried to add hdc=ide-scsi and hdd=ide-scsi to grub.conf but no difference
>Rebooting with the original 2.5 FC2 kernel solves the problem
>Any suggestions ?
Search thru the archives for the solution to your problem.
The answer has to do with 'hdc=ide-scsi and hdd=ide-scsi'
no longer being supported.

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