Mozilla 1.7/Firefox 0.9/Thunderbird 0.7

David Walker david at
Tue Jun 22 10:35:01 UTC 2004

I used the installer and installed into /usr/local then modified the 
shell script "mozilla" in /usr/bin to point to the new directorys and 
all is well, bit of a kludge but works fine until an rpm is about.  
Attached is a copy of /usr/bin/mozilla shell script.



Adam Cooper wrote:

>On Tue, 2004-06-22 at 03:47, Mike Fedyk wrote:
>>Kevin Old wrote:
>>>Why not just use the graphical installer at:
>>Uhh, because there is a good reason rpm and dpkg are around?
>I have temporarily used the installer to install to my home directory.
>Man it's a pain in the arse. It doesn't appear in prefered apps. So
>things don't open it. So I put it in as a custom and now you can't open
>more then one instance without the daft profile dialog. 
>Me wants RPM.

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