problems with mail (FIXED)

Jeff Vian jvian10 at
Wed Jun 23 02:09:28 UTC 2004

Alexander Dalloz wrote:

>Am Di, den 22.06.2004 schrieb Jeff Vian um 23:05:
>>I hate replying to myself. ;-)
>>I made one more attempt, and did a delete of both sendmail and 
>>sendmail-cf packages.
>>I reinstalled them both and rebuilt the file for my site 
>>from scratch. Then sendmail started working properly.
>>As I figured, it was a borked config, but apparently it was in the 
>>sendmail-cf package and not in sendmail as I originally thought.  Go 
>>Thanks for the clues Alexander.
>Sorry Jeff that I overlooked your 2 postings in this thread from the
>past couple hours. But glad that you found the trouble maker! :)
>Btw. from your given logfile snipplets it seems that the was
>broken in some way.
Any clues as to why something would have written to the file? 
 I guess the hard power off can do anything but geez, no reason for a 
write to even be occuring in that part of the disk.

AFAIK those files are never written to except during their creation, and 
only read when the process is started.  It keeps the settings in memory 
until the nest restart.   I am using that one as totally default.


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