FC 2 Reboot problem after Kernel upgrade.

ne... akabi at speakeasy.net
Wed Jun 23 16:56:02 UTC 2004

On Jun 23, 2004 at 17:54, Franco in a soothing rage wrote:

>Hi, i have installed FC 2.0 on my server, than i have
>used yum to upgrade all packages including last Kernel
>update, after the Kernel upgrade when i reboot -n or
>shutdown -r , the server close all services and when
>it should must reboot it show restarting system without
>power off.
>If i reboot the server with the old Kernel it give the
>same problem but if i don't update the Kernel the reboot
>command work fine.
>Any ideas ?!
Yes, please do not hijack threads. Your post has nothing
to do with 'Apache php problem'. Instead of hitting reply
and deleting the previous subject, hilite the reply-to
address and paste that into a new compose window.

And now to your 'problem'. Previous kernel had a problem
in that they would shut down the harddrives on a reboot.
This was the only way to get them to sync and caused a
whole heap of problems. The kernel has now being changed
so that harddrives no longer shutdown. So the current
behaviour with the new kernel is the correct behaviour.

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