Helpful signatures?

Jim Cornette fc-cornette at
Wed Jun 23 18:11:58 UTC 2004

James Wilkinson wrote:

>Jonathan Rawle wrote:
>>Also, I do wish people would stop replying to messages telling people to
>>search the archive rather than answering questions. In the time you've
>>written than, you could in many cases answer the question, and you're
>>generating just as many messages to the groups with the negative reply. If
>>you don't want to answer, write nothing.
This is a very true statement. I think that unless the search the 
archives postings were removed from the list, the relevent hits would be 
lower than the actual clues, fixes or helpful data.

>If this is supposed to be a community-supported distribution, and this
>list is one of the visible signs of community ...
>.... what can we do to make the archive and the other resources more

I think the link on the bottom of each messages should actually state 
where to find previously posted message online.

>I know we have the "To unsubscribe" link at the bottom, but people
>obviously aren't finding the archives. Would there be any mileage in
>those that conveniently can [1] changing their signatures for this list
>to point at the relevant resources? Maybe something like this?
I'll have to search the archives for "search the archives" sometime for 
a test.


Abandon the search for Truth; settle for a good fantasy.

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