Selecting Indiviual Packages during install

Fritz Whittington f.whittington at
Wed Jun 23 19:27:54 UTC 2004

On or about 2004-06-23 07:38, Jeff Vian whipped out a trusty #2 pencil 
and scribbled:

> ne... wrote:
>> On Jun 23, 2004 at 11:43, Neil Marjoram in a soothing rage wrote:
>>> Can anyone tell me how to select individual packages during an install?
>> kickstart.
>>> On RH 9 there used to be an option to be able to display all packages
>>> and select the one you needed, now it seems this option has been 
>>> dropped
>>> so I am only able to choose those packages that are available in the
>>> software groups. I've tried text and expert installations but they are
>>> the same.
>> As you have found out, that option is now gone. I think if
>> you do the custom install, you can choose some additional
>> rpms but the choice is somewhat limited.
>> N.Emile...
> IMHO The choice is not limited, and the option is not gone, merely a 
> different approach to the task.

Well, if you take it that way, then IMHO this "different approach" is 
much less useful than the previous scheme.

> A custom install gives the option to select/deselect a category then 
> within that category select/deselect individual packages.

However, if you select all individual packages under each category, that 
will not install ALL the packages on the CDs.  If you check them all, 
then go down to the bottom and check "Everything" you'll see the disk 
space required is about double from before.  But what you're missing is 
a nice list of the rest of the packages, and an opportunity to just 
check them or not.

> Also, when the install is complete you have the option to install 
> other packages from CD before you exit the install process.

Sure, just type in all the names exactly, without having a list...

Fritz Whittington
There is nobody so irritating as somebody with less intelligence and more sense than we have. (Don Herold)

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