How to know what is fixed in an updated package ?

James Wilkinson james at
Thu Jun 24 23:48:21 UTC 2004

Eric Tanguy wrote:
> I know what rpm is and how it works. I just want to know if there is
> some possibility to know what changes there is an updated package. If i
> use yum it is not to have to download each package and look in it.
> Reading your answer i think it is not possible easily with yum that's
> all. I see a lot of packages to update today in up2date having quite the
> same number (cdrecord for example) and i would like to know what it is
> new in this package.
> Concerning the top-posting, i don't know what you mean i just made an
> answer to Anand message.

Top-posting is putting your response before the question.

It's encouraged by Microsoft e-mail packages putting the cursor at the
top of a new reply, with the "Original e-mail" underneath.

If Microsoft had bothered to look or ask, they would have found that
the universal standard is to quote the *relevant* part of the e-mail
*first*, *then* answer the points in *that* part of the quoted e-mail.
Rather like I'm doing here.

This attitude to standards is one of many reasons why Microsoft is

"I love the way Microsoft follows standards. In much the same manner
that fish follow migrating caribou."
    -- Paul Tomblin

Also see

In answer to your other question, look in /var/cache/yum/*/packages.
Then use rpm on the RPMs you'll find there.

Otherwise subscribe to .



E-mail address: james@ | "Computer games don't affect the kids of today; I    | mean, if PacMan affected us as kids, we'd all be
                       | running around in darkened rooms, munching pills and
                       | listening to repetitive music..."

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